Re: My thoughts on "real" Blue Java
Charles - thanks for the info - have you figured out what variety the IC imposter might be?
Unfortunately, my Goldfinger pup from Bo didn't make it thru the 2010 winter. Man, your nanas look great. You must be doing something right.
Forgot to mention. My orinoco patch has nanas. didn't see them til the purple cover dropped to the ground
Patch is very thick with pstems - maybe I'll thin out this season. Only a couple of hands but hope I'l be eating home grown this year.
How long should they take to ripen?
Growing: Orinoco, Rajapuri, Dwarf Cav, SDC, TT, Dwarf Red, Dwarf Namwah, Tall Namwah (aka Ice Cream), Dwarf Brazilian, Veinte Cohol, California Gold, Double Mohai, NOT-Goldfinger, Gran Nain, Velutina
Last edited by Jose263 : 06-17-2012 at 01:34 PM.
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