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Old 08-02-2012, 12:09 PM   #10 (permalink)
crazy banana
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Default Re: spam on

Originally Posted by harveyc View Post
Ante is right: when some folks complained about an annual membership fee for new members and Jarred (Mediahound) changed it to provide free memberships to everyone, he warned of increased spam. I've dealt with most of the reported cases by banning them and deleting the posts (three this week). I ask that folks not bother to reply to spam posts but just report them so that me or another mod can deal with it. There are times I go on trips (4 day Scout outing last week) and won't be able to deal with the reported cases, but someone other mod might come by and deal with it. I'm around more than most and have dealt with about 90% of the reported spam messages in the past few months.

It takes enough time to deal with the spam when I do the deletion/banning so I don't bother to write a "thanks" message to whoever reported the spam, but please know that everyone appreciates it when you help out by reporting spam messages.
Thank you for all you are doing! It is really appreciated. My apologies that as a newbie I had not figured out yet that such a button already existed.
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