Originally Posted by Jose263
The 'nana meet' was super -
Barnet - sounds like you are on target with your nana? all that work will definitely pay off. be sure it gets plenty of water also - after your nana puts out new leaves if they have reddish center stem (seen best on bottom side) and thin red outlines it may be a namwah -
I visited a paw paw grower near LSU last year - he had several large trees and said they like lots of fertilizer and compost. I have one paw paw tree about 4 ft - it bloomed for the 1st time this April. (but two trees are needed)
Have you had paw paw fruit?
I am looking for a second pawpaw plant or graftwood or both -
I'll pm you and Darkman maybe we can exchange scions or plants this winter..
My paw paw trees have not really grown and so I have not gotten any fruit yet. Since they are seedlings the characteristics of fruit from them is currently unproven. I will be on the look out for established paw paw cultivars once I see if what I have will start growing.
Relative to water it seems to rain here more days than it does not. This has been a wet summer.