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Old 08-08-2012, 05:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default What varieties are most tolerant of wet conditions during fruit maturation?

The Fairchild mango is known for its ability to consistently produce and mature great fruit even in very wet, humid conditions that cause substandard fruit for most mango varieties.

I'm looking for the equivalent of the Fairchild mango with other fruits like avocados, jakfruit, citrus, figs, lychees, etc. So for example, are there any avocado varieties that perform particularly well (compared to other avocados) in excessively wet and humid conditions? etc.

It's important to note that I'm not talking about 'drowning' here, I'm talking about how excessive availability of water during fruit maturation can cause many plants to produce fruit that is 'watered down' (watery and low on taste).

So can anybody help me fill out the following chart?

mango - Fairchild
avocado - ?
lychee - ?
jakfruit - ?
citrus - ?
sapodilla - ?
others - ?

Set out runnin', but I'll take my time; a friend of bananas is a friend of mine.
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