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Old 08-09-2012, 11:45 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Rochester, NH
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Cold indoor bananas at ~60° year round?


I am a total newbie when it comes to anything about banana's other than eating them. Actually, I am pretty new to that too considering there are so many varieties I have never tried. I was looking into growing fruit tree's indoors and discovered that people were growing banana tree's. I really like that idea but I don't know how viable it is in my situation so I am hoping for some advice.

I live in an apartment and it is generally around 61°-65° during the summer and can get to about 70°-72° in the winter. That sounds backwards I know but in the winter my neighbor's running the heat makes my apartment hot.

I was thinking that it would be awesome to grow a banana tree but I don't know if those temperatures are compatible with any banana varieties. I figure if the air temp isn't a problem I can move on from there. Any thoughts or opinions on the subject would be greatly appreciated!
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