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Old 08-11-2012, 11:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default 1st time Tissue Culturing with pictures

So I dug up a bunch of banana plants today, not sure what they were but I didn't mind chopping them up as this is my first try at TCing.

Cleaned off as much dirt, then put them in the sink to cut off a couple layers.

cut them down pretty good and tossed them in a jar of 10% bleach and RO water solution for 10 minutes to sterilize. Then put them in another bottle of water to rinse, then another bottle after that to rinse as well.

Moved said bottle of water into the Ghetto Gas Chamber for slicing and putting into medium.

Pulled them out of the bottle, placed them on a drying medium to absorb water, then sliced off some tissue to remove the poisoned sterile tissue with bleach.

Cut each tissue center with the meristem into quarters and placed into one batch of baby food jars sterilized at 15PSI for 1 hour in my pressure cooker.

Second batch went into a sleeve of petri dishes. I think I like doing this in petri dishes better than baby food jars. at least this part of it. The rooting part will be done in baby food jars.

The petri dishes were sealed shut with petri dish wrap so I can move them out of the hood to place into a sterile tub container.

Next is to wait a week or two to see what happens, unless somewhere my sterile procedure fails and I get contamination before they shoot.

BTW anyone else use the medium from phytotech? mine didn't fully solidify like agar does, is that supposed to do that? or is it supposed to solidify? If so something is wrong here.


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Last edited by sddarkman619 : 08-12-2012 at 12:37 AM.
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