Originally Posted by GreenFin
What exactly does a phytosanitary certificate verify?
Does it mean that the corm doesn't have diseases like BBTV, Black Sigatoka, etc? Does it just mean that it's devoid of external pests/parasites? Anyone know for sure?
I'm importing a banana from Thailand, and I'm wondering how I can be sure that it's free of disease.
I imported 300 plants to Hawaii in June. Every state and country has its own requirements regarding the type of plant they will allow to come into their area. A certificate from your state's or country's Department of Agriculture states your plants are free from disease and pests. I didn't think both California and Hawaii did a thorough job. In your case, with one plant you should be ok. I purchased plants from Thialand before and the ones that were suspect didn't make it to me. In Hawaii, my plants could not contain any soil. Check your states agriculture website for their specific requirements. I hope this helps!