Mine is a very, very small homemade greenhouse. Just wood from an old deck and plastic but we made it so it looks nice and you would be surprised at how many things I can stuff in it, lol. This year we are thinking, however about putting some of the hardier bananas in the shed. The shed it much larger, though not heated, but half is enclosed, the other half is open on three sides(hard to describe, I didn't build the thing!) but half is like a real shed and the other is more like a mini car port, open on three sides exept this one has the animal pens built on the open side on the end. Still if we plastic up the two sides(not the pen side) and leave the pen side open we may at least keep the bananas out of the cold. Like I said the more hardier ones anyway. It is a very tall shed too so maybe this will work. Will post a picture of the greenhouse in my album.