Originally Posted by varig8
I would agree with the prior post. Having said that, I would ask you why you want to remove it? Having grown Aeae for many decades, it would be my suggestion to you that you allow the first few suckers to grow into a stable mat. (They ARE finicky until you've got a nice big healthy mat of them). If you start removing the first suckers, this weakens the mat-the 'mother' will fruit and die, you've weakened the mat by removing suckers so early, so less chance of having a sustainable future mat to harvest from. What happens if you loose them at this early stage of growing........ya got nuttin down the road! Just a suggestion from past experience.
One of mine is currently putting out 10-11. So far I've removed 3 and the mother plant probably has a couple months before it flowers. 7-8 seems like a lot to leave there to create a mat. What would you suggest?