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Old 09-01-2012, 10:12 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Let it keep going or......

About two weeks back, had a pretty severe afternoon storm hit my area. Very strong winds managed to blow down part of my back fence along with part across the front, blew over almost all the potted trees, blew down my largest FHIA 17 and largest Dwarf Red, changed 3 Dwarf Namwa from leaning South-West to leaning North-East (one has since sent out a bloom), and broke my two tallest Manzano about 5 feet up. I went and cut the Manzano's just below the folded section, noticed today that one is sending up leaves from cut.

So the question is, if it is still sending out leaves, means there is a flower still making it's way up, is it worth it to let it keep going? Will it have enough energy to produce bananas if/when the flower blooms. Or should I just go ahead and cut that one down? The other one, cut about a foot shorter is showing nothing but black.

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