Originally Posted by 12ka4
Thanks for all the replies...its not Orinoco ..
While doing search on finding the age of banana plant i came across a formula....
Age = pseudostem diameter / 9
my plants pseudostem diameter is 37 cm...hence age of the plant comes out to be 4 months + few days..
I dont know how far its true...but yes uptill the age of 6 months or till the diameter is 55 cm it seems to be accurate...after age 6 months just add 5cm per month...
i request members here to pls. verify this theory.....i am not able to get back the pdf file in which i read it ..as soon as i relocate the file will upload the same for reference..
Bananas grow fast, but not that fast.
A 6 month old pseudostem is not the same diameter as a 55 gallon drum.
A Red does not have a 5 foot diameter pseudostem at harvest.
At the most you can determine the minimum age of a banana by it's size & variety, but not it's maximum age.
The plant in the photo does not appear to have a 14.5 inch pseudostem.
Measure the circumference and divide by Pi.