My Nanner are under Attack! :-0
Help: Something is after my baby nanners! Howdy, babies arrived a month ago in 4" pots. replanted into 1 gal containers, watered in. All appeared well!
After both plants sulked a bit, I now have new growth and they appear happy. However I noticed recently new leaf beginning to turn yellow, then brown. I began to inspect and found a few little oval shaped football things on the underside of leaves. I took two under a magnifying lens and could see no arms or legs? Poked one and appeared to bleed??!
Immediately took both plants outside and hosed down with "Neem Oil" spray bottle. Will be 84 here today, so I will keep out of the hot sun.
I would appreciate some help of fellow members to diagnose this and/or other problems. I tried to use ID Pest, but methinks you have to have a Phd. to use this site. I have a learning disability, and not the brightest light on the street corner!
ManyThanks Gang...Stay Safe, God Bless...BrotherTom, PDX, OR>