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Old 09-16-2012, 11:36 PM   #506 (permalink)
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Default Re: Meditation for the day

Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 16
"To me, the wisdom the Elders have to manifest is in teaching people how to live in harmony and balance with each other and the Earth."
-- Sun Bear, CHIPPEWA
You cannot give away what you don't have. You need to give away what you have in order to keep it. Our Elders have lived their lives with a lot of trial and error. They have experienced how to do things well and they have experienced what didn't work for them as they grew old. They know things about living that we don't know. So, through the years the Elders have gained wisdom. They usually have a whole different point of view because of all their experiences. There are two ways to learn. Someone tells us what they did and we do the same thing or someone tells us what they did and we choose not to do it. Both of these paths will help us to live.

My Creator, teach me about choices and decisions and consequences. Put an Elder in my life to guide me.

Greg zone 9 Fresno,CA

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