Re: So Cal fires/wind
Mitchel, DO NOT throw any bananas away. Many more will ripe than you think. My first Kru were blown off 6 weeks after the last hand formed, and laid in my yard for 3 months, but the ripened.
We have acutally had little or no wind at my location till about 3:00 this afternoon, and now they are strong and very gusty. Two Brazilian and 2 Manzano bit the dust (no fruit hanging on them, so they are definitely not wind tolerant). In contrast, Goldfinger, Praying hands, Misi Luki, Sweetheart, and others, all with fruit, are holding their own. The winds to the north and/or east have been horrendous. I grew up In woodland Hills and Mission Hills, and remember seasons when the Santa Ana winds were 40-50 plus mph night and day for 3-4 days; when every leaf off of every tree was plastered up against a fence, and there wasn't any loose dirt ro dust anywhere for miles.