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Old 10-12-2012, 07:30 AM   #3 (permalink)
Northern Tropics
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Default Re: Container Red Abyssinian....frost round the corner

It depends on the size of your plant. If it's a large banana, and you physically can't get it in the house or get it to fit inside, cut it back. If it's already in a container and you can move the container with friends or a hand truck, bring in the whole container. If it's in a container you can't move, dig it out of there.
If it's small, you have to grow it as a houseplant over winter because it wouldn't be strong enough to go through the whole long winter in storage. So in that case, spray it with a mix of 2 Tablespoons oil and 2 Tablespoons shampoo in a gallon of warm water. Spray it all over to the point of top and bottoms of leaves are thoroughly wet in a shady place or garage or bathtub, let it dry, and then put it close to your sunniest window for winter. Water it sparingly and watch for spider mites. Respray as necessary.
Don't put it in a bucket of water, that's really bad advice. Especially for ensetes, they like it a little more dry than bananas anyway.
I've had larger 6 foot ensetes go through the winter great around here barerooted. They seem to like it dry. but if you keep it in the pot and bring the whole thing in that would be best. Then all you have to do in the spring is repot if necessary, start watering sparingly, put it in the shade if it has leaves, put it in the sun if it doesn't.
Sandy Burrell

Northern Tropics Greenhouse
1501 East Fuson Road
Muncie, IN 47302

specializing in bananas, heirloom tomatoes and water gardening plants~
check out our new online store at our website!

Last edited by sandy0225 : 10-12-2012 at 07:33 AM.
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