Thread: Musa 'Bhutan'
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Old 10-23-2007, 07:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Musa 'Bhutan'

Musa 'Bhutan' was actually sold as Musa paradisiaca var seminifera, but that's also the name of 4 other bananas, so it's a terrible name for it.
Here's a couple shots of Musa 'Bhutan'. It was really easy to sprout, and I grew up about a dozen plants. There seemed to be two ends of the spectrum when it came to appearance, and growth rates. They were all sprouted at the same time, but the more light green ones grew alot faster than the dark green/with dark red underneath leafs. I potted up as needed but the redder ones were still slow, with the inbetween colored ones, being the medium growers.

They are probally Hybrids of something, and not stable ones.
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