Thread: Velutina
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Old 10-25-2012, 09:20 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Velutina

Ok . Think I have secured plenty of velutina.. I have just a few of the real dwarf orinoco. It normally sends a flag when the p stem is around 4ft rarely gets over 5 ft of pstem.. ive noticed most people have "dwarf o" that get a lot taller.. this is the first time I think I've actually parted with them.. Pics are in the gallery. I would actually like to spread this as much as possible without selling it .Anyone interested?

I don't have Dwarf namwha /sikkimensis/ fhia2 I would like if you had a positive id on what you are trading.., thanks.
naw mek smaddi ditate fi yuh. naw wan gwan a pawty yuh naggo. Click for Macon, Georgia Forecast
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