Originally Posted by KingBuzzard
Hi everybody out there in Banana Land. I have a question. I have a Double Mahoi and a Dwarf Red. Both of which are in 30 gallon smart pots. I am worried I did not get large enough pots now. They have been growing in the pots for about 6 months now. They are both about 5 feet tall or so. But have noticed on my Mahoi a few of the roots have started growing above the soil. And my dwarf red has not been growing as fast as it did. Now am wondering if I should have gotten larger pots. Does anyone know if I made a huge mistake or am I being paranoid? Because I have a Dwarf Brazilian the needs to be repotted and I dont wanna make the same mistake again and will want to get a bigger pot if I need to. Sorry to be so long winded, but HELP!!!! please and thank you
They will fruit in a 30gal. pot but will be more productive in a larger pot.