UKOasis goes down for the count
It's a sad day , Paul Spracklin has decided to remove UKOasis from the web after many years of Sterling service to the Exotic Gardening revolution in the UK and Europe , not to mention the valuble input from the US members and the Oz , NZ core . There are many reasons UKOasis is no more , I'll not go into them. UKOasis members were the greatest help when I started into Exotic gardening in my garden near Paris France , I could not have done it without them , as I could not have had a new start here without members . I have contact emails and phone numbers for the UKOasis members that became good garden friends over the years and I'l be intouch for sure.
My only hope is that some of the best of the UKOasis members will restart another quality site.
So , many thanks to all past and present and best of luck for your future.
All the Best
Always looking for a lost pup