You get a lot of bunches of bananas!
This is my neighbor's "Namwah" (Pisang Awak) mat. She doesn't remove pups or fertilize. You can't see them all in this photo, but there's 13 bunches hanging in this single mat that started from one plant several years ago. Would she have bigger bananas if she removed pups? Probably. But she'll have a steady supply of delicious bananas for months instead of a few big bunches that ripen all at once. Since she's not selling them, having a steady stream of tasty bananas rather than a few overwhelming bonzanas of big fruit works just fine for her.
So think about what you want, and then decide what you're going to do about removing pups.
Note that this mat isn't surrounded by other tall plants, so it gets good sun on all sides. If it was shaded by other mats, you'd probably get a different result.