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Old 11-18-2012, 12:14 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: Here's what happens if you don't remove pups

Originally Posted by momoese View Post
That what my HA and Jamaican Red stands used to look like. The problem for me was the wind breaking the fruiting plants every year and the stands getting close to lifting our new fence.

At some point she will have to remove the inner circle of plants because they will start growing above ground where they will not be able to support fruit bunches nor will they get adequate water or nutrients needed to make healthy plants and bunches.
She hasn't lost any to wind, probably mainly for two reasons: these plants aren't all that tall (none over 11' of p-stem, despite what it looks like in the photo), and Pisang Awak varieties seem to be very well anchored.

They are starting to get higher in the middle, and the plants in the middle are getting smaller and making smaller bunches. But they are still producing, with no maintenance. I'm not sure how long this mat has been going, at least 4-5 years. It'll be interesting to see how the mat looks in a few more years.
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