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Old 11-21-2012, 11:18 AM   #8 (permalink)
Been nuts, gone bananas
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Default Re: Hi all from NorCal

FYI - So folks know more about the "tube scheme" in case they might have a need to try something similar at some point. I irrigate my alfalfa fields with 16" diameter poly pipe which rolls out flat from a roll 660' long. It inflates with water and I use a tool to punch a hole and insert 3" diameter gates into it. It can easily last a few years if coyotes don't chew it up or voles chew numerous holes into it. I always have pieces laying around and we used some of those to slide from the corm end up and over the leaves to pull them together and protect them from the wind for Steve's journey (over 100 miles). I used it once before to bring a banana from Joe Real's place to mine.
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