Originally Posted by bengtang
Hi all, I like bananas. I live in Singapore, a part of the world where there are native wild bananas (Musa acuminata) which have seeds, and also several domestic cultivars which have no viable seeds. The wild ones are (as with other wild things) threatened by habitat destruction and urbanisation in this small country with a rapidly growing population. I am going to try and cross the wild ones with domesticated varieties to try and produce a variety that has more edible flesh than the wild one, but also viable seeds. This will be useful as food for monkeys, birds, and fruit bats, which can then also spread the seeds around. Here's some photos of bananas:
Это хорошо, что Вы заботитесь о животных. Но в результате расселения ваших гибридов при помощи перекрестного опыления дикий Musa acuminata может исчезнуть в вашей местности. Вместо него будут произрастать гибриды.