Cavendish (banana) 10.5
Cocos 11.0
Dwarf Gros Michel 11.0
Dwarf Red 11.0
Gros Michel 11.0
Jamaican Red 11.0
Kappa Pazham 11.0
The cold hardy list
According to the cold hardy list, the Gros Michel banana plant is hardy to zone 11 (40 to 45 degrees F/4.4 - 7.2 C). I don't know where your location is, but to my knowledge the Gros Michel banana plant has not been widely grown in the continental U.S. and has only recently become available.
There may be other posters here with more knowledge of its cold tolerance if they have grown it throughout the winter, but I can only recommend that if it gets anywhere near the low 40's you need to protect it to keep it alive.