Re: Banana Modeling ? Where were the Banana's?
Hello All ,
I would like to apologize for these pics . These were posted by my eldest daughter who lives with her mom . I do not think that she realised that other people could see her pics and thought that they merely stored in her gallery. I'm sure that she will be as embarrassed as I when she gets home from school and learns of this .
Her mother and I would never have allowed her to do this and , as stated above , I'm sure she had no intention of making these (pics)public .
On the other hand , she had her costume for drug awareness week and, being a good and lighthearted kid , she may have thought it a funny and cute thing to share ...I don't know yet .
In the other pics ,the background contains a big ol' Maurellii ,black magic EEs , pindo palm , and some really tall lasiocarpa . She took these for homecoming and I understand posting them as they have a lot of banana plants in the pic . The others though....
Thank you , Jarred , for removing those .
Again , I apologise to those who posted and the community as a whole .
Best regards ,
Pete J. Rea