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Old 12-26-2012, 02:46 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Default Re: What is the smallest banana that has tasty fruit?

Originally Posted by Gordonf View Post
I know almost nothing about growing bananas, but I do know that in Eastern Canada, people grow figs and get fruit by uprooting the trees in fall, laying them down in trenches and burying them over winter. maybe that would work for bananas? Someone please correct me if this is a dumb suggestion!
For bananas, a similar method is uprooting them before the freeze each fall (or at the first freeze for slightly cold hardy ones) then cleaning off any excess dirt from the roots, and storing the entire plant (preferably cutting off the leaves) in a cool, dry area until next spring after danger of frost. Places like under your house, in your garage provided it stays cool and dry, or any other similar place. But like previously said, bananas over time get large, and dragging such a large bulb+stem is hard work.

You can also keep the banana in the ground and protect it, but places with zones below 8 are pretty cold, too much so for most banana cultivars.
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