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Old 02-21-2013, 12:13 PM   #7 (permalink)
The organic banana man
The Organic banana man
Location: San Antonio texas
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Default Re: Organic Banana Sleeves

Thanks everyone for your replies we do have them available just not packaged yet for the consumer market. However we can sell them in smaller quantities, the packaging would be plain until we get them packaged for the consumer market...You can e mail me for a quote they are very inexpensive and last up to 12 weeks then they lose their efficacy. We are also looking for distributors here in the US and around the world for distribution to small and large growers. Great product for Internet guru's to market on their own website.
The stuff on the ground are colored tie's which go around the bag it is for the migrant workers, when they go into the office to check on work for the day they look at the calander and the color of marker (red, blue, green) in todays space tells them to cut off all the bananas with that color "tie" around them...another words they are ready for harvest...You can actually cut these down in size and also make other types of sleeves which would protect your plants from chemicals, insects and funguses like tomato sleeves, peppers, and other fruits and veg.
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