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Old 02-24-2013, 06:08 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: How I can store banana pollen to cross bananas later?

What is true for storing pollen in general is that you need to keep it dry and cool. So a good start point would be enclosing freshly collected pollen in paper envelopes and placing in a dessicator box,containing a desiccating substance such as silica gel or calcium chloride,and placing it all in the vegetable compartment of the fridge. Once a week or possibly more,passes,the paper envelops could be placed in a smaller airtight container with air of very low humidity and stored in the vegetable compartment of the fridge. This usually works for tropical plant pollen in general and should be good for at least some months to a year or more. Storing in deep freeze is generally practiced for longer pollen storage in cycads but I don't know if banana pollen or pollen of other tropical plants can take that and still be good. I will try searching a book I have on Banana Breeding and see if I can find something specific on banana pollen storage. Hopefully Gabe will see it and chime in with first information!

Wish you success in your quest and banana breedings!
''To try,is to risk failure......To not try,is to guarantee it''
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