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Old 02-24-2013, 07:33 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: How I can store banana pollen to cross bananas later?

@Pancrazio - Veinte Cohol might be good as pollinator for the basjoo and yunnanensis, because parthenocarpic. But there is one problem to get Veinte Cohol to Brazil because of the Brazilian restricted import law, only Paraguay, Costa Rica, Argentina and Israel are permited to import banana plants and rhizomes to Brazil. In 2008 I tried apply after purchasing my chácara (one manson with large yard or one small farm, in Spain also called finca) in Brazil one import permit for my bananas from Germany from the Brazilian agricultural ministery, I also wanted to order banana plants from the USA and Thailand for my chácara in Brazil, but the ministery refused my apply and told me that I should also contact EMBRAPA. But I got also in touch with Helton from Frutas Raras (now Colecionando Frutas) and he was very helpful, so that I could send him seeds from wild bananas, Musa balbisiana, microcarpa, itinrans Indian Form, yunnanensis, sikkimensis etc., he could grow them from seeds and gave me the pups. And also Rajapuri might be good because of quickly fruiting after 9 months, but also very difficulty to get one to Brazil. Therefore I will also use Prata Ana or Pratinha alias Dwarf Brazilian as pollinator.

@Kostas, yes, it might be. I will also make banana pollen storage trials. If Mysore does flower in November after my return to Brazil, and Musa basjoo still too small and inmature plant and Musa Anestor or ornata also at this time still not flowering, then I will cut the male part from the inflorescense of Musa Mysore or Nanicao and try to store the pollen to pollinate Anestor or ornata later and also inform my housekeeper (caseiro) Antonio how to do in the time during my working period in Germany. If you do find the book about breeding bananas, then you could scan it and send me as PDF files, but please in English, German or Portuguese/Brazilian, I do not speak Greek. I also hope, that Gabe15 will also reply here and explain me. I know, that some crosses will fail and other crosses will be successful, this is the same like the rhododendrons in the past in my old garden in Germany.

Best wishes
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