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Old 03-02-2013, 04:31 PM   #1 (permalink)
Hammocked Banana
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Default What is this White Crap?

Im worried about this issue that just came up that I have never seen before. There is white crusty splotches on the edge of some tears on one leaf of my Grand Naine. There is 3 tears on the one leaf and every tear has it, but it is not evident on any other leaves. The leave is also yellowing along its edges. There is a minor issue with spider mites but I've been keeping them pretty much in control with a soap and water and a bit of oil and then wiping the leaves down after. Im not sure if these splotches are some new kind of bug or mildew or if it is soap or something that was left on the leaves, or absorbed into them and then expelled from the leaf. They whiped off fairly easily with just water and its not back yet, but only been a day so Im still keeping an eye on it. Any ideas?

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