Thread: BananaBucks
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Old 04-03-2013, 08:20 PM   #292 (permalink)
Nanner Time!
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Default Re: BananaBucks

Banana bucks are essentially a valueless 'currency' that is really only exchangeable for other valueless items on this site. Although the description in this thread says you can exchange them for plants, I have yet to see anyone offer such a transaction. They have particular uses on this site (can't seem to find the page that shows what you can trade them for) but I don't believe they can be traded for any tangible good or service in the real world. Therefore, the welcomes anyone joining the site receives are not based out of greed, but are actually genuine. I believe the welcome button is just an easy way to greet people rather than typing a post. The fact that you 'earn' banana bucks when doing so is cool, but does not seem to be a motivating factor. There's really no reason to be greedy and attempt to accrue a large number of them because they aren't really 'worth' anything.
Feel the beat from start to stop, dancin' and movin' from bottom to top!
RIP Tog Tan. We love you and will always remember you!
I'm Bryan with a Y! There is no 'I' in BRYAN!
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