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Old 04-24-2013, 07:17 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Mesa AZ
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Name: Larry
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Default Watering where it rarely rains

I have 2 mats that are made up of cactus mix for the most part. This is my first spring with established banana plants and I have been giving each plant 15-20 gallons every 2 or 3 days but they just didnt seem vigorous enough. Well I thought back to last year and the incredible amount of water it took to saturate the new mats. I slowly soaked each mat for several hours and voila plants are much happier. Our ground gets so dry without rain that you may not know its dry down deep,the dry earth just wicks the water away.
I hope to soon have my first flower and I will have a friend show me how to include a photo. I wont be a caveman forever.
Hope this helps someone
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