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Old 04-28-2013, 08:31 PM   #2 (permalink)
Nanner Time!
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Default Re: Acclimating m. 'Siam Ruby'

If it doesn't get any colder than low 40's you can keep it out there all day/night long. However, if it gets too much sun all at once, you're likely to end up with sunburnt leaves. My SR always did get pretty toasty when I first moved it outdoors for the summer. However, it's not the end of the leaves will come to replace the sunburnt ones. If you want to try to prevent the burning, ease it out by either putting it in a partially sunny, partially shady place at first. Or you could bring it out for a few hours a day until it's more used to the sunlight.
Feel the beat from start to stop, dancin' and movin' from bottom to top!
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