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Old 06-02-2013, 04:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Inside or Outside?

I have a orinoco in a 45 gallon pot that I got last year and it currently has a 3 foot pseudostem and I also have a dwarf namwah in a 45 gallon pot that has about a 4 foot pseudostem, they are both currently in my south facing sunroom growing well with lots of humidity and warmer temperatures. My question is I have the east side of my house that gets a ton of very warm sun more then my sunroom, because of large trees, should I put the pots out there for more sun? My concern is that the sunroom stays warmer at night with lows outside here in the low 50's and in the sunroom it stays no lower then 60. in addition, it is humid in the sunroom and rather dry outside. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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