Good day today. First harvest of Hua Moa & 1000 Fingers, along with more Williams. Also harvested 1 ripening hand off my first bunch of Mysore.
1000 Fingers, not anywhere near as big as I expected. Exactly 6 months from blooming.
Hua Moa, 20 fruits total, 2 previously removed from the bunch due to early ripening. 12 weeks from blooming.
Big bunch of Williams. 30lbs, 7 hands, 93 fingers. Just shy of 6 months from blooming.
My first good sized bunch of Gros Michel. 3.5 months from blooming. Could have stayed a bit longer on the plant, but this was in the same place near my street where they were stolen last year. They seem good sized. 35 lbs, 6 hands, 68 fingers.