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Old 06-15-2013, 02:18 PM   #39 (permalink)
Location: Foley, AL
Zone: USDA 8b/9a, Sunset 28
Name: Amanda
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Default Re: I Think I'm Gonna Cry! :(

I don't think your DC is anywhere near just doesn't look big enough. However if it was near blooming, you'll see the leaves get smaller and then a flag leaf will come up. The wax on the back of the leaf doesn't mean anything flowering-wise.

Here's an example of what a flag leaf looks like. This is a Cavendish-type I have, Gran Nain.

Here's the whole plant (that's a 10 inch clay pot sitting next to it for size reference of the trunk)

Then again another Cavendish-type I have, Super Dwarf Cavendish, decided to throw a midget leaf a few weeks ago (its on the left) and proceeded to continue growing normal sized ones for this variety.

Fruting: Pisang Awak, Rajapuri, Dwarf Brazilian, Gros Michel, Dwarf Red, FHIA-1 'Goldfinger', Veinte Cohol, FHIA-3 'Sweetheart'
Ornamental/Species: M. bauensis, M. velutina, M. "Milky Way", M. "African Red"

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Last edited by alemily : 06-15-2013 at 02:19 PM. Reason: can't spel
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