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Old 06-16-2013, 07:58 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Default Re: I Think I'm Gonna Cry! :(

Thanks everyone. I'm fairly new to bananas, but not new to growing fruits & vegetables. Generally speaking, I can notice the changes in plants (usually!) when they are going into bloom.

I had heard about the flag leafs, but until this thread, hadn't heard about half leafs.

That being said, before she was even ripped from her roots, I had mentioned (possibly incorrectly!) that I believed she was close to flower because of the way she was throwing off pups and other changes I noticed in the growth.

I'm not expecting to see a petal come out before the flower, but whatever unrolled with that last leaf was definitely "petal-like" in terms of look and texture, etc. and I have never seen anything like that unroll with any previous leafs, or in any posts here in these forums.

That is just another signal to me that something is changing within this plant and I am guessing it's because she's about to flower.

I could be wrong and do appreciate all of the input here!

As I mentioned in my previous post, the new cigar leaf is significantly smaller than any previous, so it MAY be a half-leaf, but won't know for sure until it fully unrolls.

Here's today's pics:

You can see how much smaller the new leaf appears. All previous have basically sat "taller" on the plant, but this one may grow taller before it fully unrolls. Here's a closer look:

Thanks for all the help!
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