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Old 07-01-2013, 06:12 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Fruit Falling Off

Hello all,
I've searched for this issue, but must not be using the right key words.

I've been trying to grow bananas for a few years now and was successful at fruiting one out last year. I believe the plants I have left are now all Raja Puri as my others died off. Last year my plant fruited, but out of all the fingers that opened - most fell off. I did have the pleasure of having a few home grown bananas and they were great. I don't like store bought bananas - and now I know why.

I wintered over several medium to large plants this past year and was surprised to see a flower on two of them this week. I'm hoping to avoid losing all the fruit again. Can anyone give me suggestions as to what caused the issue last year so that I may avoid it this year? (If it isn't too late)

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