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Old 07-14-2013, 04:23 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: The Mysore Propagation Project

Good luck Andreas! The sad truth is that the chances of getting even 1 BSV free pup are minimal to nil. If you really want to produce a BSV free Mysore specifically from your plant,look into TC and into a relatively new protocol ITC has developed developed that has been successful at producing healthy plantlets from a diseased plant. It takes time and effort though!

You are doing it for a very good reason but the start material is dooming the whole thing. Even if the first leafs come healthy or even if they produce a few healthy leafs,dont assume they are heathy,the diseased leafs will follow before the end of the growing season....Just a heads up! You dont want to be spreading BSV infected bananas around.
''To try,is to risk failure......To not try,is to guarantee it''
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