Originally Posted by Nicolas Naranja
TARS reports 33.7 mm for the 3rd hand finger diameter of the closely relayed pisang awak. That number seems very reasonable to me given the 1000+ bunches I have harvested of dwarf namwah. I've had 42 mm, but that was huge. I'll buy some fruit from the store an take pictures of how I measure.
I agree with you Nick. I just did some measuring of bananas around the yard and also estimated the diameter of those in my photo based on the diameter of my fingers. The ones in the photo are around 40 mm diameter, and they were the biggest Dwarf Namwah, or more generally Pisang Awak subgroup, bananas I've seen. That agrees with your 42 mm as the biggest you've grown. Around the my yard, 35 mm seems pretty standard for Dwarf Namwah, "Ice Cream Namwah", and "Misi Luki Namwah". About the same diameter to slightly larger than a well-filled out Cavendish is what healthy looking ones end up around here. Keith seems to be good at growing really big bananas, so maybe he will set new records for DN.