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Old 07-16-2013, 07:18 PM   #11 (permalink)
Nicolas Naranja
Muck bananas
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Default Re: When is it safe to separate pups?

Originally Posted by PR-Giants View Post
Are you removing the pups to plant elsewhere or just trying to kill them?

JIC you're trying to keep all the pups.

Most people will fall into these 3 groups.

1. The ones who have done it wrong, and will say it shouldn't be done and then add

some anecdotal evidence.


I took a pup once and 50 mph winds came a week later and blew the plant down.

Some of this will also depend on how far the pups are away from the mother. Some varieties will pup very close while others will pup far away.

I guess the question is more personal to the matter of what is the likelihood I will damage the mother plant.

The older the mat, the less it matters. The suckers arise from closer to the surface and some of the suckers are from older mother plants.
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