Re: What's blooming in your garden? (bananas)
Originally Posted by venturabananas
"Not Mona Lisa"
Could be some sort of Pisang Awak ("Namwah"), but my recollection of what the fruit were like that Sunfish let me try a couple of years ago doesn't seem right for that. Definitely an ABB variety. Maybe when it ripens I'll have a better idea of what it is. Tough plant.
The male flowers aren't dropping from the stem - I don't recall my Namwah doing that last year- pretty sure the male flowers drop-- will know soon as my Tall Namwah aka. Ice Cream is pushing a bloom.
Growing: Orinoco, Rajapuri, Dwarf Cav, SDC, TT, Dwarf Red, Dwarf Namwah, Tall Namwah (aka Ice Cream), Dwarf Brazilian, Veinte Cohol, California Gold, Double Mohai, NOT-Goldfinger, Gran Nain, Velutina