Re: What's blooming in your garden? (bananas)
Originally Posted by Iunepeace
First off, congratulations on the bloom Jose! It's a job well done.
I'm wondering if the purple banding under the fingers really indicate it's a Namwah?
I ask because you say see in the photos below that some of my banana bunches also have similar markings, so if that's the case I'm not sure the coloring is limited to Namwahs alone.
(Although to be fair, I have no idea what type of banana this plant is lol)
As to the fert schedule, I can't say much being an irregular fertilzer myself, but I can tell you that bananas are absolute gluttons when it comes to getting fed. There's always the potential to overfertilize if you apply too much of the chemical at one time (so I'll wait for an expert to comment on that) but you can unashamedly pump the mats full of organic stuff like horse poop pretty heavily, and they'll just love you all the more for it, not to mention give bigger bunches
Now, on to the pictures:
Nice Blooms yourself -What are they? Yours have color on both ends, I don't know what that means variety wise. I hope more experienced folks share a fertilizer plan. My bunch does look sparse by comparison.
Here is my mini pony poop factory.
Growing: Orinoco, Rajapuri, Dwarf Cav, SDC, TT, Dwarf Red, Dwarf Namwah, Tall Namwah (aka Ice Cream), Dwarf Brazilian, Veinte Cohol, California Gold, Double Mohai, NOT-Goldfinger, Gran Nain, Velutina