Originally Posted by Illia
Very nice!!
One thing though - If you get even just a little snow per year, really consider that! I don't know how people manage with snow vs pure PVC greenouses, but I've lost two and a lot of money because of just a wee 3 inches of snow piling on pure PVC-based greenhouses.
You raise an important point that folks need to take into consideration.
My strategy for dealing with snow was threefold:
1)make the structure strong
a) use relatively thick pvc for arches (1.5")
b) space the arches relatively close together (3')
c) use 3 purloins running length of tunnel
2) make the structure self-warming (to immediately melt snow off roof)
a) stock with water to give off heat
3) be ready to sweep off any snow that piles up too fast! (I had to resort to this once or twice last winter)
Wind is another possible downfall to look out for. My tunnels are totally exposed and have had to endure sustained 70+ MPH winds on multiple occasions. Without the strong frame and double layer of inflated plastic, my tunnels would be toast. The inflated plastic is a biggie in this regard, as air flows around the structures much better (and with far less force applied) than it would without it. The inflation also prevents flapping/whipping which can quickly shred greenhouse plastic.