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Old 08-25-2013, 04:37 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Default Re: Wasps wont let me go near my banana plants

I had wasps. Or mud dobbers or dirt dobbers or whatever they're called. They turned my banana tunnel into a veritable winged highway.

My first attempt at a solution was my bug zapper tennis racket. It was a dismal failure and resulted in a hasty retreat.

Then I put on my thinking cap and just made some nice little mud pits outside each end of my tunnel. The environment is far more pleasant outside (it can reach 120F inside the tunnel), so the dobber wasps choose to land in the outdoor mud pits, get their bit of mud, and go off back to their nest without bothering me or the inside of my tunnel anymore.

If your pests happen to be the same type, you could perhaps make nice mud sources for them in locations that are out of your way, and diminish the amount of exposed mud near your bananas with mulch.
Set out runnin', but I'll take my time; a friend of bananas is a friend of mine.
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