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Old 08-25-2013, 05:18 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Default Re: Wasps wont let me go near my banana plants

Wasps will not harm you, unless you harm them or they feel threatened by you.
They may circle around your head, because they like your body odour or your breath (now
that is a change ), after you have eaten something sweet or had some wine. Whatever
you do, do not bat at them. They do not like that.

If you still want to get rid of them after my “calming words of wisdom” , find their nests.
They always return there before sunset. Well after the sun is down, but while you still can
see, spray their nests with Raid or any other insect killer.

No, they won’t come out storming at you, rather they will slowly drop out of their nests like
heavy syrup and die. That way you are in absolutely no danger to get stung. If you cannot
find their nests (They are usually under eaves or small overhangs, which will protect them
from rain.), watch where they go during the last hour before sundown.

Good luck,

The reason I joined this forum was to share experiences,
my own and those of others and to learn from them.

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