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Old 10-08-2013, 04:05 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: super dwarf cavendish

Is it possible this plant could be a water sucker?

There are two types of banana pups: Sword suckers and water suckers. Sword suckers have a solid connection to the mother plant and develop a vigorous root system. They are called sword suckers because the leaves are small and very narrow while they are attached to mama. The leaf stems, on the other hand, are substantial, far more support than is needed by those skinny leaves.

If I understood correctly, water suckers sprout from the root mat, not directly from a mother corm. From the beginning, they have wide leaves. They do not have vigorous root systems. I do not know if water suckers ever develop vigorous roots or if they maintain their meager roots throughout their lives. If water suckers fruit at all, they are delayed.

If your plant is a year old and leaning over just because one leaf has turned yellow and drooped, you definitely have a weak root system.

If your banana grows any pups, they are likely to be sword suckers. The babies could easily be stronger plants than this one. They may fruit before this one does.

Your plant seems rather green. Are you sure it's getting enough light?
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