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Old 10-11-2013, 11:54 AM   #1 (permalink)
Cracker Red
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Default Health check please!

Just ventured into this plant "hobby", and I'm worries about one of my banana trees!!

Here is the day after I planted the bananas, July 1st.

It hasn't grown nearly as much as I would have thought, although my expectations probably are wrong. It was planted in sandy but dark soil along with some compost. I live in Port Orange FL, just south of Daytona Beach. Pretty sure the drainage is adequate. It gets watered 3 times a week, in addition to the rain we have. Lately it seems as though it's been loosing leaves quicker than they are growing, and I'm becoming concerned I'm doing something wrong (does it need MORE water?). Seems nearly as soon as a leaf appears one is yellowing out....but the plant only has 2-3 leaves a time.

Unsure on species, I'm a total newbie!

Here is another one planted along the same side of the pool. Same way I planted it, should be getting same amount of water. Probably a different type, but you can see how many leaves it keeps at one time.

If you have any thoughts on what is going wrong (or right?) please chime in. The pups on both plants sprang up sometime in the last 2 weeks.

Last edited by Cracker Red : 10-11-2013 at 12:40 PM.
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