Re: E.Ventricosum
I live in SE Tennessee (7a/b) and got 5 seeds three years ago from a mail order seed co. that gave them to me for an order of something. (free gift). Well, I potted them up and 3 germinated within a few weeks. They went outside later that spring in the ground and grew pretty well. Not knowing any better, I let them stay outside overwinter with only mulch for protection. They came back the following spring because it was a very mild winter. That summer I learned they normally do not survive in my area if left out, so I dug them and stored them in my unheated garage leaned up in a corner. This past spring, I planted them and they took off and did really well. I have them in the garage again this winter. I will not leave them outside again to overwinter on their own. I really enjoy the look of these nanners and don't want to lose them.... Best of luck with your conquering of the world with them!!! You may be better conquering with Musa basjoo. ( alot less work!!! )