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Old 01-20-2014, 12:25 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: Using Miracle Grow 24-8-16

~ It was a gift from my wife in the form a 4" start from Logee's in June 2013. If you want its entire history visit my Banana Blog

~ No it has never fruited yet, but perhaps this summer?? I look forward to when it warms up and I roll it back outside and it can get some good outside light to see its growth.

~ It has five Pups though and I have a waiting list for those that would like a puppy. I am not an expert but I really think one of them(as seen in picture) would have a large enough corm to survive separation from Mom. Assisting the birthing of my first pup will be a big and scary experience for Dad.

~ I have thought about making a hoop greenhouse to start a plant pup outside and then mulching it through the days it freezes during the winter. We only get a few freezing weeks and usually only lasts a few days at a time, perhaps a week at a time. It will definitely go into hibernation but it will have a good chance at survival in our area if I exercise proper care. This would be a new growing experience for me. This will be researched further in another thread when the time comes.

Last edited by Pallen : 01-20-2014 at 12:39 PM.
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